The Fifth International Young Scholars Geo-Symposium

Department of Geology, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University
The Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution
November 15th – 16th 2021
Peking University
会议网络平台: 腾讯会议
会议ID:688 520 633(密码211115)
会议ID:113 642 286(密码211116)
Welcome to Peking University (PKU) "International Young Scholars Geo-Symposium"! Geo-Symposium is targeted on providing a unique academic platform for communication and coordination among pre-career scientists and young scientists at home and abroad in space and earth science. As a hallmark at PKU, Geo-Symposium enables outstanding scholars to share their cutting-edge research and creative energies with enthusiastic students and professors on PKU campus, which potentially opens up a window for young high-qualified scientists to faculty position applications at PKU.
In this year, the Fifth International Young Scholars Geo-Symposium is proud to invite 27 oral presentations. The diversity of these presentations includes research in Planetary Geology, Tectonics, Structural Geology, Geochemistry, Paleobiology and Stratigraphy, Seismological Geology, Quaternary environmental changes, Active Tectonics and Geomorphology, Resource exploitation technology, and Petrology-Mineralogy-Economic geology.
We would like to thank all of those who helped support and organize the fifth Geo-Symposium this year. Your tireless efforts ensure the continued success of Geo-Symposium in PKU.
Lifei Zhang Professor, Dean
School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University